Frequently Asked Questions


Who is your programme suitable for?

I work with respectful, receptive and responsible families who wish to gain better understanding of themselves and others through mental health, and who wish to strengthen their relationships (whether this is a relationship they have towards themselves or with others). 

Respectful means that we will use my professional skills and clinical approach as well as the views, skills and insights of all of your family members without blame (even if these may be different from your own) .

Receptive means we will be listening to each other, discussing, and engaging openly in the process of change. 

Responsible is about taking an active part in this transformation process and responsibility for making a difference, practicing what we learn and not giving up despite the ups and downs of the process.


Do you only work with families, or do you also work with individuals?

This programme is suitable for whole families, some family members, or just individuals (even those who do not have a family in the traditional sense). The work one can make will likely have far reaching effects on others, just like ripples in a pond. The programme is also suitable for working with schools and other organisations who are dedicated to improving mental health of their children or workforce.


What if I don’t know what my vision is?

This can happen more often than you think. The initial discovery session is perfect for discovering, clarifying and committing to your own unique personal vision. 


What specific mental health difficulties can you help with?

Below is a list of just some of the areas of difficulty that I can help with: 

  • Anxiety, stress, panic

  • Depression, low mood, hopelessness, helplessness 

  • Suicidal thoughts, self-harm, being impulsive

  • Low self-esteem, social anxiety

  • OCD

  • Eating disorders

  • Addictions

  • Personality disorders

  • Trauma (such as neglect, difficult life events, unhealthy parental influence)


What can you guarantee if I engage in the whole programme?

By following this programme in a committed partnership with me, you will gain insight into the inner dynamics of your family. This will open up new opportunities for change that will be unique to your specific circumstances and which will be in keeping with the vision for your family. You will acquire new strategies for coping with day-to-day life stressors, and gain a greater sense of control and connectivity with yourself and those around you.