My Mission


I create freedom through change in mental health that fits the family’s vision. I see mental health as a fantastic asset, rather than as a liability. I use mental health and personal crises as a catalyst for change. The life of any family or individual goes through cycles of thriving and cycles of re-adjustment. In order to continue to evolve, mental health needs to be worked on and attended to on an ongoing basis. 

Whilst scary, the family or personal ‘downs’ can be seen as unique opportunities to take stock, to re-adjust and to make positive changes that will propel the family and its members onto a new, higher plane of functioning, thus allowing them to realise their new potential. So, if you’re finding yourself stuck in your personal, family or professional life, I would encourage you to say – great! Let’s stop for a minute and learn where you’ve come from, what is happening now, and what needs to happen in order to get things moving in your life again and make your vision become a reality.