Relationships are key to connecting, connections are key to mental health
— Dr Zuzana

How I Work


I work in partnership, using full commitment, compassion, curiosity, knowledge and determination to unlock the hidden potential of each family and its members. I see myself as a partner to the family, and any individuals who have their own unique knowledge, skills and expertise. I work in collaboration with the family, and I use the family’s wisdom, strengths and individuality to make the desired changes.

In my partnership work, I use a number of different specialist psychology and psychotherapy tools, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP), mentalisation-based therapy, mindfulness, parental work, acceptance and commitment therapy, and non-violent resistance approach.

I am passionate about breaking down barriers, geographical or otherwise. To do this, as well as offering face to face sessions, I regularly run online video connecting sessions for those for whom face to face sessions are not a possibility (e.g. they don’t live locally, some of their family members live abroad, they might have physical health restrictions).